Carter & Faraday

Workplace cleanliness: Tips on how to keep your office clean

workplace cleanliness | person holding cleaning products

Is your knowledge of workplace cleanliness up to scratch? Do you know how to keep your office clean? Don’t worry if not, this blog will explain all the areas you need to keep clean, how to clean them, and how often!

Workplace cleanliness – The areas

Making sure all the areas in the office are clean is vital. Each area will be used by many different people, meaning the risk of germs and bacteria spreading is higher.

Here’s a list of the areas that need to be cleaned:

  • Kitchen
    • This includes cleaning the door handle, fridge and microwave handle, cupboards, and inside the fridge. Emptying bins and the recycling bin. Filling and emptying the dishwasher, or if you don’t have one, ensuring everything is washed up, dried, and put away. Disinfecting and cleaning the surfaces. Hoover/sweep/mop the floor.
  • Bathroom
    • The toilet bowl and handles. Making sure there’s enough toilet roll and hand soap. Also, check if the hand dryer is working or if there are enough paper towels. Cleaning the sink and tap. Hoovering/sweeping/mopping the floor.
  • Workspaces
    • Dusting and disinfecting the computer screen, mouse, and keyboard. Emptying bins. Cleaning desks and disinfecting telephones. Cleaning under the desk, including sweeping/mopping/hoovering.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Cleaning handles on doors, and hoovering/sweeping/mopping hallways. Cleaning windows. Cleaning and wiping light switches.
Workplace cleanliness | sink in a kitchen

Workplace cleanliness – How to clean

You may think cleaning is as easy as spraying with an antibacterial spray and wiping. But, if you want to do it well, have a healthier environment, and remove germs and any other nasties, here’s how to do it properly.

Did you know that sanitising and disinfecting are different? Sanitising kills 99.9% of germs and takes 30-60 seconds to work. Disinfecting kills 99.999% of germs and can take up to 10 minutes to kill germs. Read more here.

This means when you’re using either spray, wait the above time before wiping away. 

You can use antibacterial sprays or disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces when you clean your office. When using wipes, make sure you use a fresh one after every surface so you don’t cross-contaminate. Here are some stats on workplace hygiene.

Workplace cleanliness – How often

It’s important to tidy your office and clean surfaces that are used a lot by different people, every day.

At least once a week, the fridge needs to be emptied and cleaned, and also the bins. This stops anything from sitting in the office for too long and smelling. 

Read our blog here on how to prevent having a smelly office.

A deep clean will also be needed every month. This clean gets in all the nooks and crannies, especially in areas that are usually forgotten in the daily clean. Such as dusting and cleaning skirting boards, deep cleaning the floor, cleaning the microwave, sorting out cupboards, and much more.

If this all sounds like a lot of work (which it can be!), then hiring a professional office cleaning company, such as Carter & Faraday, can take this load off you and your staff.

Workplace cleanliness – Carter & Faraday

Here at Carter and Faraday, we are incredibly proud of the professional commercial office cleaning we offer.

Looking for the best cleaning prices? Backed up with an expert team from a family-run business?

We are here to help you get your office back into shape, working efficiently with ultimate cleanliness!

Give our cleaning agency in West Sussex a call today at 01444 482666 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.

Read our most recent testimonial from a delighted customer!

“Carter and Faraday have been responsible for our Citywide cleaning contract for our general need, sheltered and homeless accommodation as well as our own office space. 

Throughout our contract, we have been delighted with the standard of cleaning provided and the approach taken in day to day communications as well as their training, development, and support of their own staff. 

Carter and Faraday have comprehensive quality assurance procedures that involved regular audits and a can-do spirit which is reflected in their committed workforce.”

Lisa, Assistant Director, Housing and Business Development

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